Salesforce vs HubSpot - Which CRM Offers Better Sales Pipelines

September 01, 2021

As a sales professional, choosing the right customer relationship management (CRM) software should not be taken lightly. The right software can help you manage your sales pipeline, track leads, and close deals more efficiently. In this comparison, we will take a closer look at Salesforce and HubSpot and determine which CRM offers better sales pipelines.

Salesforce Sales Pipelines

Salesforce is one of the most popular CRMs in the market. It is often used by medium to large-sized businesses with complex sales processes. Salesforce's sales pipeline management is known for its flexibility and robustness.

Users can easily create and customize their own sales pipelines in Salesforce. The software uses a drag-and-drop interface to help users plan their sales processes and move deals through the pipeline. Salesforce also lets users track leads, manage contacts, and record customer interactions.

HubSpot Sales Pipelines

HubSpot is an all-in-one sales and marketing solution that provides businesses with a powerful suite of tools to attract, engage, and delight customers. The company's CRM software offers a clean and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use.

HubSpot's sales pipeline management is intuitive and straightforward. Users can easily see the status of deals and where they are in the sales process. HubSpot also provides users with valuable insights, including deal revenue and the time it takes for deals to move through the pipeline.

Salesforce vs HubSpot

Both Salesforce and HubSpot offer excellent CRM software with powerful sales pipeline management features. Here are some key differences between the two:


Salesforce is known for its high pricing, which makes it more suitable for medium to large-sized businesses. HubSpot, on the other hand, offers a free version of its CRM software, making it more accessible to small businesses.


Salesforce provides users with a high degree of flexibility in customization. Users can easily create and customize sales pipelines, reports, and dashboards. HubSpot is more limited in terms of customization, but it still offers the essential features that most businesses need.

User Interface

HubSpot's user interface is known for being easy to use and intuitive. Salesforce, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and may require more training.


Salesforce offers a wide range of integrations with third-party apps and software, making it an excellent choice for businesses with complex tech stacks. HubSpot also offers several integrations, but the selection is more limited than Salesforce.


Choosing between Salesforce and HubSpot ultimately depends on the specific needs of your business. If you are a medium to large-sized business with complex sales processes, Salesforce may be the best choice due to its flexibility and integration options. However, if you are a small business looking for a user-friendly CRM software that won't break the bank, HubSpot is an excellent option.

Both Salesforce and HubSpot offer powerful sales pipeline management, and no matter which CRM you choose, you can be sure that you are getting a reliable and effective tool to help manage your sales processes.


  1. Salesforce. "Salesforce CRM Features." Salesforce. Accessed September 1, 2021.
  2. HubSpot. "HubSpot CRM Features." HubSpot. Accessed September 1, 2021.

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